:tocdepth: 2 .. _more_on_positive_divisors: More on Positive Divisors ============================================================================ .. contents:: :local: .. highlight:: python The outline of the this notebook is as follows: Today we will spend time looking at the functions :math:`\tau` which counts the number of positive the divisors of :math:`n` and :math:`\sigma` which is the sum of positive divisors of :math:`n`.  Our goal is, once again, to use our minds, paper and pencil, and *SageMath* to combine to not just conjecture, but start to give logical reasons for our conjectures. Definition: An arithmetic function is real or complex :math:`f` defined on the set of positive integers. That is :math:`f : \mathbb{Z}_{>0}\to\mathbb{C}`. An arithmetic function :math:`f` is said to be multiplicative if it is not identically zero and if .. math:: f(a\,b) = f(a)\,f(b) \quad \text{ whenever } \gcd(a,\,b) = 1. Let :math:`a` and :math:`b` be positive integers and :math:`f : \mathbb{Z}_{>0}\to\mathbb{C}` is an arithmetic function. If :math:`\gcd(a,\,b)=1` and :math:`f(a\,b) = f(a)\,f(b)` then :math:`f` is said to be an multiplicative. :math:`f` is said to be completely multiplicative if :math:`f(a\,b) = f(a)\,f(b)` for all :math:`a,b \in \mathbb{N}`. Knowing the definition of :math:`\tau` and what it means for an arithmetic function to be multiplicative, can we proof that :math:`\tau` and :math:`\sigma` are both multiplicative function? Let us first consider :math:`\tau`. To prove that :math:`\tau` is a multiplicative function, we must ask ourselves the following questions. .. raw:: html
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  1. Is :math:`\tau` an arithmetic function? .. raw:: html
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  3. For any two positive integers :math:`a` and :math:`b` with :math:`\gcd(a,b) = 1`, is :math:`\tau(a\,b) = \tau(a)\,\tau(b)`? .. raw:: html .. raw:: html
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How will you define :math:`\tau` in *SageMath*? .. code:: ipython3 def tau(n): r""" Returns the number of divisors of $n$. """ return number_of_divisors(n) .. code:: ipython3 tau(48)==tau(8)*tau(6) .. parsed-literal:: False Oops! What just happened? I thought we just proved that :math:`\tau` was multiplicative. What went wrong here? Can you think of questions that we could explore on the number of divisors function :math:`\tau`? - Write your questions here. General Formulas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the general hint to follow in order to get a general formula for these arithmetic functions. - Formula for :math:`\tau` or :math:`\sigma` for primes. - Formula for :math:`\tau` or :math:`\sigma` for a power of a prime. - General formula for :math:`\tau` or :math:`\sigma`. Observe that these are the steps we followed to obtain a general formula for the number of divisors function :math:`\tau`. In mathematics, a perfect square say :math:`x` is the product of some integer say :math:`y` with itself. That is, :math:`x = y^{2}`. - Investigate on the number of divisors of perfect squares using *SageMath*. - Observe your data very closely and try and come up with a conjecture on a pattern you think will always be true. - Proof your conjecture. You are encouraged to work in groups. Right now, try working on your own or in groups to try to prove the following conjectures. - For a perfect square :math:`n^{2}, \tau(n^2)` is odd. (For a full proof, you will probably need a reason why only certain numbers can divide other numbers.) Now use the procedure we followed to derive a formula for :math:`\tau` to derive a formula for :math:`\sigma` for any positive integer :math:`n`. Let us recal the definition of :math:`\sigma`. It is defined as follows: Given a positive :math:`n`, :math:`\sigma(n)` is the sum of all the positive divisors of :math:`n`. - Check if :math:`\sigma` is *multiplicative*, that is, .. math:: \sigma(a\,b) = \sigma(a)\,\sigma(b)\qquad \text{whenever } \gcd(a,\,b)=1. \ If it is multiplicative, then try to prove it. Write your proof in this cell. How will you define :math:`\sigma` in *SageMath*? .. code:: ipython3 def sigma(n): """ Returns the sum of the divisors of `n` """ pass Can you formulate questions about the sum of positive divisors of :math:`n`, :math:`\sigma(n)`, that we could explore? - Write your questions here.