14. Even More on Positive Divisors¶
The outline of the this notebook is as follows:
Today we will spend time looking at the functions which
counts the number of positive the divisors of
which is the sum of positive divisors of
. Our
goal is, once again, to use our minds, paper and pencil, and SageMath
to combine to not just conjecture, but start to give logical reasons for
our conjectures.
Definition: An arithmetic function is real or complex defined
on the set of positive integers. That is
. An arithmetic function
is said to be multiplicative if it is not identically zero and
Let and
be positive integers and
is an arithmetic function. If
said to be an multiplicative.
is said to be completely multiplicative if
for all
Knowing the definition of and what it means for an
arithmetic function to be multiplicative, can we proof that
are both multiplicative function?
Let us first consider . To prove that
is a
multiplicative function, we must ask ourselves the following questions.
an arithmetic function?
is an arithmetic function by definition. In particular, for all
and since
, it follows that
is an arithmetic function.
For any two positive integers
, is
We want to count the number of divisors of the product
given that
. From
, we know that
does not divide
and vice-versa. Therefore, for a given divisor of
, the set divisors of the product
will be
multiplied by all the divisors of
. That is, the set
with cardinality
. Repeating this for all the divisors of
is exactly the product
. This completes the proof.
How will you define in SageMath?
def tau(n):
Returns the number of divisors of $n$.
return number_of_divisors(n)
Oops! What just happened? I thought we just proved that was
multiplicative. What went wrong here?
Can you think of questions that we could explore on the number of
divisors function ?
is prime, what is
Is tau(sum of 2 perfect squares) even or odd?
What is
if n is a perfect square. Is there a pattern?
Possible questions to guide us to obtain a general formular for the
arithmetic function for any positive integer
is prime, what is the number of divisors of
? Is there a general formula?
are prime, what is
is prime, what is the number of divisors of
? Is there a general formula for
for all positive integer
Given a positive integer
, is there a general formula for the number of divisors? Is there a general formula for
tau_of_prime_powers = lambda p, n : table([(p^k, tau(p^k) == k+1) for k in [0..n]], header_row=["$p^k$", r"$[\tau(p^k) = k+1]$"])
tau_of_prime_powers(3, 10)
[tau_of_prime_powers(p,10) for p in prime_range(10)]
Conjecture: If is prime then for all
. Let us work in groups to proof this now.
We have a proof for our conjecture so it is now a theorem. But I will
want to call it
Lemma 1: If is prime, then for all
Now let we want to derive a general formula for for all
positive integers. We know from the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Every positive integer can be written as a finite product of powers of
distinct primes. That is,
Using this result and the multiplicative property of , we
are able to derive a formula for
given any positive integer
How would you derive such a formula for given a positive
? Let
be any positive integer. We want to
derive a formula for
. By the fundamental theorem of
Hence we have derived the general formula given any
positive integer
14.1. General Formulas¶
Here is the general hint to follow in order to get a general formula for these arithmetic functions.
Formula for
for primes
Formula for
for a power of a prime
General formula for
Observe that these are the steps we followed to obtain a general formula
for the number of divisors function .
In mathematics, a perfect square say is the product of some
integer say
with itself. That is,
Investigate on the number of divisors of perfect squares using SageMath.
Observe your data very closely and try and come up with a conjecture on a pattern you think will always be true.
Proof your conjecture.
You are encouraged to work in groups.
Right now, try working on your own or in groups to try to prove the following conjectures.
For a perfect square
is odd.
(For a full proof, you will probably need a reason why only certain numbers can divide other numbers.)
Now use the procedure we followed to derive a formula for
to derive a formula for
for any positive integer
Let us recal the definition of . It is defined as follows:
Given a positive
is the sum of all the
positive divisors of
Check if
is multiplicative, that is,
If it is multiplicative, then try to prove it.
How will you define in SageMath?
def sigma(n):
Returns the sum of the divisors of `n`
Can you formulate questions about the sum of positive divisors of
, that we could explore?
Write your questions here.
It turns out that sometimes it is also useful to have functions adding
up just certain divisors. For instance, one could write a function
for just the odd divisors, and
just the even divisors. Or you could define
to be the functions giving the number of divisors
which are congruent to
) and
), respectively.
Try doing a few of these as well. You will likely want to recall how to use filtered list comprehensions, or “if/else” statements in a loop.
Naturally, I strongly encourage you to make interactive cells if this proves useful to you!
14.2. Exploring Divisors¶
Anyway, you should spend quite a bit of time today to try to find more patterns - or prove them! The kinds of questions here are somewhat different from those with partitions.
14.2.1. Modulo/Congruerence¶
It turns out that there are some pleasant patterns for when
are even and odd. I encourage you to explore and give
arguments for what you find. Try to prove the conjectures that you come
up with.
One could also investigate whether there are patterns when n is even or odd. What happens to
Write a program to demonstrate that
if and only if the sums of the reciprocals of its (positive) divisors equals
. Give an algebraic reason why this works.
Investigate the values for
modulo other primes
. It would be interesting to see if there are any useful conjectures here.